What's Messed Up My biggest mistake was take things for granted.I still do it today.We all do these days and most of us don't even know it.But the really messed up thing that we all do today is that we feel bad for the poor people who smoke and have a bad #life,the people who raise their children in an environment that is not that suitable for children at all,with drugs and alcohol.We shouldn't feel bad for those people because they choose that path.Instead we should feel bad for the kids who have to suffer and grow up with these people and have a very slight chance of even making it out with a decent job.Its opposite with the rich people.Everyone says they suck or their too cheap(which is partly true)but if you think about it there the ones who are actually doing something In this world that makes a difference.They could've been feed with a silver spoon growing up or they could've lived in a trailer.They went on the right path.Yes they might be jerks or really mean,greedy,selfish,rude and have no social #life whatsoever but like I said they choose the right path.
What Will You Say When You Look Back In #life Its hard too think your going to do something and strongly believe its gonna happen then all the sudden BOOM! that goal is gone,like a flip of a switch.Even if that happens its your choice to give up or keep on fighting,pushing and trying to be the best that you can be.Our #life is made up of choices will you look back and say "I couldn't have done a better job!"or "I know I could've done a lot better."