Downing's Fables There was once a man, he was a builder, he built many houses for most of his #life, he was well known and his houses were VERY well done indeed, people of the town would say, "yep, that's "-------"s house (that he built, a house he built) and he went to the king to inform him that he will be retiring. The king said sure! But I ask one favour of you, the builder said Yes sure what ever you like master! The king said to built one more house, and then he can retire, of course the builder said he was happy to built one more house for the king. But inside he was cranky he didn't want to build another house! But he did as he was told and built one, it was very stingy, he took all the short cuts, but on the outside you could still tell it was his work, instead of taking 8 months it took 4, he went back to the king and said he had finished the house, can he retire now? The king said yes! And the house you made is now your home! -moral: If you do something for somebody, do it like you would for yourself.