What I'm Up To Well I would love to write about a film right now but I haven't seen any worth commenting about. But how are people liking FIFA 13 o yes I'm an addict!! But if your not interested in that the best thing that happened to me lately is.... I watched 30 mins from the ending of some awesome films. First ong bak followed by fearless awesome fight scenes and its always great to watch subtitled films love them. The evening followed by hangover 2 which I had to download the mike Tyson song and police academy one of my fave films it was by far an awesome nite!!
The Beginning So this is my first blog. EVER. You may think who is this weirdo and why do we care?!?! Well..... I don't really have an answer to that. I am wanting to write a blog to inform and interest people in the world of film, TV and general video making info. From reviews to educated discussions. I studied media and film production for 4 years and it was awesome!!! And I would like to share that with YOU. It will be fun I promise