Woman And Man Once lived a girl with the beauty of her mother, Once lived a boy who longed to be her lover, Forgot was the girl as the boy discovered material, Envied was the boy as the girl played with cereal. Funny is society that splits a pair in half, Half for a business deal, half for a calf, The boy was a suit of pristine black, The girl wore a garment made out of a sack, The girl grew into a woman of beauty so fine, She listened to lessons and never crossed the line, The boy grew into a man of money, no worries, He played with gadgets and ate lots of curries. The man succeeded in keeping his place, The woman rise above him winning her race, She wrote stories that grew popular to read. And grew from nothing to everything she envied. The man and the woman who once were a pair, Looked upon each other trying not to stare, They met unexpectedly, in a restaurant not far, He noticed her stepping out her fancy, red car, She noticed him standing, a drink in his hand, Slightly older and fatter, although just as tanned. He smiled at her and said "my love" in greeting, "I would never have expected this little meeting", She shrugged and answered bluntly at best, Then walked away to make her night's nest. Puzzled, he followed, forgetting they'd split, He again addresses the woman, asking to sit, Not forgetting the past, she wasn't his fan; Of him, his conduct or his horrible tan. He cried "love me dearest, I beg you please!" She wouldn't have him if he were on his knees, Because she didn't like him, not at all, So angry and frustrated he held her to the wall, "Okay, don't love me but humor me still" Reluctantly she agreed, seeing his power to kill. And now a son with a mind just as cold, But handsome as his mother, clever and bold, A child half and half, made from a pair, Beauty and wealth, he had no care. Due to this he does whatever he can, He is the future of the woman and man.
Aveyond Keiver
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