Roses are red, Violets are blue. I love him, But he loves you. One day he'll see, Your not ment for him, Coz he was made for me. #rubbish#sad#true#love#missinglove
المزيد ..Roses are red, Violets are blue. I love him, But he loves you. One day he'll see, Your not ment for him, Coz he was made for me. #rubbish#sad#true#love#missinglove
المزيد ..Think you can get me down, Well you are wrong. No matter what you say, I'm going to stay strong. You can cut my wrists, And you can bruise my thighs. No matter what you do, I'm never saying goodbye.
المزيد ..I wand someone to love me, Someone to care. Someone to promise me, They'll always be there. Even though I know, This cannot be done. I still hope that someday, Ill find the one. #love#missinglove#find#sad#sotrue#lonely
المزيد ..If I had a gun, I'de place it to my head. One pull of the trigger, and I would soon be dead. #gun#suicide#my#life#sotrue#depressed#sad