Loves Undying Flame Part1 She was there, right in front of me. I stood there like an idiot dazed at her. Lilly was beautiful. Her auburn-brown hair that fell to the lower part of her back was braided and put up into a bun. The slim fitting, light blue, strapless dress flowed at the hips. With the open back, shimmering jade and diamond choker setting I couldn't move, all I could do was gaze at her. Lilly. A smiley slowly crept apon my face but quickly turned to a blush as I saw her glance my way. 'Man up Cole, it's just Lilly. No big deal' I told my self as she noticed who I was and started to walk towards me. A shiver crept up my back as I rembered all the fun times we had together. All of our dates, and the time when she hade my heart but shattered it. It hade been 5 years since I spoke and saw her last. Since then my heart has mended. I had to stay strong, I couldn't have my heart shattered again. If it did I'm not sure it would mend again. --------------------------------- Well that was the start to my first story. Tell me what you think. Is it worth continuing??
ðCoolð Wolfð
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