Goodbye (Auburn Sky) By Dante Pomells He sat and marvelled at an Auburn sky, as one day comes another dies, The day is gone We'll never get it back, As one man cheers another cries, Yet He possesses everything we lack, but still hes broken and lonely inside, As he stares up at the auburn sky As we bloom our brothers fade into the dust, We find love but mistake it for lust, Or sometimes lust is mistaken for love, Perhaps all a man needs is a mothers hug, But no we strive power, respect, We strain and grind until we're dead, then there's nothing but a costly eternal bed Heart attack, caused by stress they said, No will, no wife, no family or heir, Just a name on a stone, nobody cares, No one gasped or bellowed, Nobody cried, We're all just tiny grains of sand lying in wait for the tide, So to those forgotten masterpieces I bid you goodbye, As I stare up at this auburn sky By Dante Pomells
Zadie Jones
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