Rangers Apprentice I look up from my position on the log... I smile. I can easily recognize the slim form of Alyss. She's so beautiful, but I'm to shy to tell her how I feel. "Hey Will!" She called my name. "Hey Alyss!" I get up from the log. "You're looking nice today." I smile at her. "Thank you Will." She smiles. Just then I hear the clatter of hooves on dirt. I pick up my longbow and casually draw an arrow from my quiver. Alice glances at me. "Expecting trouble Will." "It's always best to be ready." The rider comes into view. I recognize him as a kings ranger, like me. I instantly know that the ranger was Halt with his horse Abelard. "Hey Halt!" I call to my old mentor who taught me everything I know. Halt rides up to us. "Will." He beckons me over. "There's been a murder..." Who?!" "Baron.... Arald
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