Why does america like Asian education? Everyone around me is boasting about how good the Asian education system is, as I live in India. Internationally also everyone appreciates the Asian education system including america which does it quite openly. I am really not able to understand why? Why does it not like it's own system which according to me is a lot better. The whole asian education system is the worst I know. These countries focus only on temporary knowledge, which is gained by remembering every word of the book, to just pass the examinations and to flaunt to the world how good their teaching is. In reality the students there don't have a single piece of real and long term knowledge. the american systems far more applied and gives the students a chance to actually learn something real about the topics and on a permanent basis. That is why america is what it is today. This again raises the question that, then why does america not like it? Answer in the next post.
Joey Martins
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