The condescending tones, The insincere moans, The lump in my throat, When I said we still have hope, The smirk on your face, When I said I would wait The sarcastic remarks, The ache in my heart Maybe I deserve it all
read more...The condescending tones, The insincere moans, The lump in my throat, When I said we still have hope, The smirk on your face, When I said I would wait The sarcastic remarks, The ache in my heart Maybe I deserve it all
read more...I Just Wish I just wish That things were like they use to be When things were good and daddy wasn't mean I just wish That thing were just like they were When you were with me And he was with her I just wish We could go back in time To a happy place Where I never cried I just wish I could feel alive And not just sit around And wait to die