When I see you The thumping of a heartbeat, pounding vigorously into the chest - the ever-so-light trickle of sweat spontaneously erupting from the back of the hair - the sudden dryness of the mouth and looseness of the jaw - the restriction of breathing, the collapse of confidence and the ultimate ignorance of everything in the world apart from your presence And when you smile, everything is multiplied by a hundred - except this time, it feels good. Nothing has ever felt better, and a warmness erupts from my heart and fills my body with your kindness, your sweetness and your just mind-shattering beauty - and I feel so light, I feel so free, I feel, perfect.. But then you walk past. And everything disappears. All that's left is shame, embarrassment and regret. For not doing more. All I can do is wait until next time. And although I dread the inevitable shame, embarrassment and regret that will follow, I secretly cannot wait to see your face again. That's how I feel everytime I see you.
Breakfast Breakfast - the beautiful meal at the start of the day and gives us that boost to get the glorious day up and going Without breakfast, we would be...well, we'd be in the same place but we'd be hungry too - moreover being hungry is a sad emotion hence we must have breakfast if we wish to lead a happy and beautiful day!
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Stan Lauk
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