Introductions Are In Order... Are They Not? After All, It Is All About The Hearts &Minds Agenda at hand: Well, since I'm so utterly dissatisfied with the current design of the Bio-field; I've decided to make an introductory opus. Which is to say, it, the Bio-Box, is Entirely too clumsy in its application; which is not to say it is in any way a point against the developers per se, considering the great opportunity this work presents to our greater, cosmopolitan community. Prologue: To begin with, I am by no means a professional writer, and do tend to ramble on; but, despite all of that I am a big enthusiast then it comes to the literary practice. As such I have some greater hopes for this "application". Identity: I am, as best as it can be described in the present moment, a "Wanderer above the Sea of Fog". Irrevocably and inscrutably, yours truly, a man out of time.
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