Headache I dropped to my knees to caress James's face. Worry caused my forehead to crease and tighten. What had knocked us out so hard? I glanced at my watch that still clung to my wrist. Almost eleven o'clock. How long had we been unconscious? And how the heck did this happen? My headache worsened the situation. Suddenly I felt a twitch in James's forehead as I stroked his face in sympathy. "Mmn," James groaned in pain. He peered up at me, touched my cheek with the back of his fingers, sighed, and finally dropped his hand on his chest in exasperation. "Are you alright?" "I've got a minor headache, but I'm fine." James's eyes suddenly widened as he quickly propped himself on his arm and reached towards my head. "Esme, you're not fine. You're bleeding. I reached back also, and lightly touched the wound. I cringed and experienced yet another moment of wooziness. "Go sit on the bed. I'll be right back," He got up more easily than I had and walked out of the room, closing the door gently behind him before I could protest. I did what I was told, however, and waited impatiently on the bed spread. Almost whimpering with stubbornness and confusion and anxiety, I could not help but ponder on the mysteries of the current situation. Did somebody break in and decide to knock out my husband and I? Were we dealing with a robbery? I exaimined the room thouroughly with my eyes. However, I could not detect anything that was stolen. Everything looked the same. Except for the atmosphere. Something in the air sent chills throughout my body and made me want to take refuge in James's arms, which always fit me like a puzzlepiece. I longed to do it at this moment, to make sure James was alright. I checked my watch once more and was irritated to find that it had only been a few minutes. A drop of blood tickled my ear and I was tempted to call the police. As I grabbed my cell on the nightstand, I dialed 9-1-1 and pressed the phone against my clean ear. After a few long rings on the other end, a female voice stated:"We're sorry, but there is no one who can take your call right now. Please check back soon so that we may assist you as soon as possible." The message ended with a high-pitched tone and I pressed the "end call" button, my forehead creasing with worry. How can there not be anyone there to take my call? Were there too many other people to deal with? I walked towards the window and pushed aside the blinds, peering through the darkness below. As I struggled to ajust my eyes, I could make out figures on our porch. I jumped back, disturbed by who could be out there. Was it the robbers? Has James noticed yet? I ran out of the room and stealthily descended the staircase. Heading towards the kitchen, where I assumed he would be, I whispered,"James?"
Sammie ❤️
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