Getting A New Pet So this is about getting a new pet as you have probably guessed from the title! My family say I know alot about animals so I wrote this for anyone who is thinking of getting a pet! I hope this is useful for you! Chapter 1: Thinking When you get a new pet you have to think very clearly 'do I really want this new pet' 'Am I ready for this pet' and 'Is this pet going to be looked after' these are very important things to think about as you dont want to rush into buying a pet if you dont actually want one and dont just get a pet becuase other people are! Make sure that you want the pet and arent just buying it. Chapter 2: What Pet Once you have decided that you want a pet and you have thought clearly about it then its time to decide what pet you want! If you arent looking for a pet that needs much work then go for something small and easy to look after, like a rabbit or hamster because these animals are easy to look after but sadly dont live for very long. But if your looking for something that you need to have alot more responsibilty for then go for a dog or cat! These animals are loving but need alot of attention and care because they are bigger and live much longer than a hamster. Chapter 3: Family Getting a pet is a family desicion, for instance if you had a family of 4, and you had someone in that family that was allergic to dogs, you wouldnt get a dog! But make sure that the whole family wants the pet not just you or otherwise they will not be interested in the pet and you will have to look after it on you own. Also if the whole family loses intrest then you wont want the pet anymore (chapter 1). Chapter 4: Preparing Preparing well for a pet is vital because if you rush into getting a pet then you will lose intrest faster and might not even be able to afford it! Make sure that you buy all the things it needs before you buy the pet, like a bed, food bowl, cage, bedding and that kind of important stuff. Once you have everything that your pet requires, look at local areas for breeders if you are getting a cat or dog or even horse or just a local but efficient pet shop, the thing nobody wants to do is buy a pet they spent loads of money on if it came from a bad home and not be healthy. Chpater 5: The pet Im sure by now you have an amazing pet and it is very well looked after? This chapter is about how to look after your pet properly! Dogs-make sure you walk it 2-4 times a day, the more times you walk a dog the more energy it uses so it will not rip and tear you sofas to pieces! Feed it good food instead of cheap crappy food you find on sale, this kind of dog food tends to last longer and is much healthier for you dog, it also just generally taste better for dogs! Make sure they have a big garden and that when they go the toilet you clear it up as soon as they do it! Behaviour is a difficult things dogs need to learn to be their best on. If they are naughty or disobedient then dont shout or scold just ignore them and sort out whatever they done wrong (like if they broke a plant pot just sweep it up) but when they do something good give them lots of attention and treats! This way they learn they are going to get attention when they are good so they are behaved more often and eventually they will be very well behaved all the time! Cats-Feed your cat/s 3 times a day so that they dont eat your food because if they are hungry they will eat anything they can get, like dogs give your cat good quality food as it is healthier and tatses better for them, this will also improve their loyalty because if they know they are going to get good food then they will sit with you for ages Guinea pigs/hamsters-Clean the cage every 2 days and give it fresh food every day so it taste better and is generally better for the pet. Give them plenty or toys and treats to keep them busy! ******************************************************* If you have any other questions Dm me (Direct message) on instagram -> @_abby.yx Hopefully i can answer tlur questions as good as possible
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