The Dorms (Fan Fiction) Chp1: Welcome to Dublin Academy. Taking a look back at what she used to know, Sawyer realized she was lucky to get away from all the pain and sadness. Even though, living alone at 18 isn't the best thing in #life, she manages. She currently worked off minimum wage at her towns local coffee shop, and is about to start high school at Dublin Academy. Boys were the least of her worries,(surprisingly) seeing she doesn't want or get much attention from them anyway. She left all her friends at home, well she still was home, just a different part of it you could say. Sawyer sighed as she tugged open her car's door pulling her bag out and loosening her black tie. The school she was heading off to had a strict dress code. Consisting of black knee length skirts, white collar button-up dress shirts, black ties, and black pants. Variety, not an option for her, but she made it work. She stood there her travel bag slung over her shoulder as she clutched her books in her right hand, her car keys going to her back pocket. Sawyer wasn’t tall but wasn’t short either. She stood just below 5'3 and was slim and beautiful. She had dark brown hair that fell just below her belt, her thigh-gap very much there as her black skinny-jeans rolled at the bottom, her white worn-out converse making her outfit seeming normal, yet edgy. Her face was round and her lips were pink and plum, her eyes framing her face, the sun making them become a hazel green. The top plastered to her body, was clean-cut, no wrinkles and white as snow. The first couple buttons on it popping open as her tie was loosely thrown around her neck, aligning with the collar of her uniform. The sleeves of her shirt, messily rolled up into cuffs, giving her that touch of mystery. She kicked her door shut hearing the locking sound go off. As she approached the building, all eyes seemed to be on her,including a boy sitting a distance back. His blue eyes watching her as she walked through the front door of the Academy, he stood up making his way over but quickly redirected by the sudden movements of his four very attractive friends. Sawyer's POV I pulled my hair over my shoulder as it became annoying to the feeling of it flailing all over the place. I watched the people just staring at me, do these people know manners? It's not nice to stare people, I snapped inside my head. Focusing back on finding the front office I studied the people around me. I saw a group of people wearing as much black as they could possibly get by at this school, those were defiantly the "grunge" kids. Looking past them I saw people sitting in the grass playing all kinda of funky looking instruments, they looked like they owned illegal substances, I like to call them "hippies" an American term I learned as a child, from an exchange student, a funny one he was. Still looking, I tried to see if I could find anyone I could fit in with, but all I saw were, plastics, jocks, and more potheads (more American slang). I took note to tell my dad about what a wonderful school he's sent me too, when I get a chance to call home later. "Ma'am?" Someone spoke up, as I came back to reality, and turning to face the abnormal looking lady in front of me. She looked horrid, like a clown almost, a killer clown! From that American movie from the 90's. What was it? Oh yeah! "Attack of the Killer Clowns" oh what a laugh that was! I loved my American friends! What a bad influence they were on me!(I do not discriminate!) "Name please?" She asked smiling at me, I cringed noticing she has something in her teeth, maybe it was her last nights supper. I mean she didn't look to educated on hygiene. Oh the smell. Okay maybe I was wrong. It was probably last months supper. I looked around to see if anyone else looked like this, nope just her. Thank God. "Um, Sawyer, Sawyer Scott" I told the thing just 5ft away from the as her finger nails scrapped against her board typing in my name with a swift movement. "Oh,no" she gasped pulling a hand to cover her mouth, like she was in a really bad horror movie, with bad actors (her). "I'm sorry, is there a problem?" I asked as I glanced at her hand, her finger nails all different lengths, looking like she never even bothers to clean them. "Yes, it seems you were registered as a boy, therefore you were put in the boys dorm" she finished going back to normal. "What?" I asked, shocked at what she had just told me, "But it will have to do for now! It seems the girls dorm is full, so until there's an opening it seems you'll have to stay in the boys dorm" she said pulling out my key card, as I reached for it she pulled back "but if that makes you uncomfortable, you could stay at mine" she smiled, oh I couldn't take it, I gulped and tugged away the keys, speeding down the vast hall and back out the Academy doors. When I got outside I took a look around. Time to find my dorm. I didn't make it half way down the path to the boys dorm, until I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders, and the feeling of people surrounding me. "Welcome to Dublin Academy!" The Irish Accent announced and his arm was still securely around my neck bring me into his side. "May your stay here be as magnificent as you are my love" another one said, as he kissed the back of my hand, snapping his suspenders after. I looked around me and there were five boys, walking with me, everyone was looking. "So love, why are you walking towards the boys dorm, the girls is the other way" the one with dark black hair and a stubble face asked me with a wink. "Trying to find me already..?" The boy with a mop of curls asked questioning for my name. I composed myself ready to see there reactions on what I was about to pull on them. "Sawyer," I said in a low manly voice darting my hand out straight forward, to no one in particular, "Sawyer Scott" I finished in a deep voice. Their faces! I'm not one to lose myself with laughter but, AHAHAHAHAHA. Priceless. "Your a dude?" The blonde Irishman said as his arm feel from my shoulder, making me wince from the pain my mental laughter was causing. They all stepped back as I kept walking, I let out a girlish giggle and turned to the five boys "No, just fooling with you" I smiled a big smile and walked up the stepping stones. I heard fits of laughter come from behind me as I saw the suspenders boy in front of me "I like you already" he told me as he out stretched his hand "Louis" he told me as I shook his hand, the other boys introducing themselves after Louis. "Well as you all know I'm Sawyer!" I said my hair falling back below my belt, as a huffed. I'm getting it cut off, I thought. "So Sawyer, why are you at the boys dorm?" Zayn asked again, quite curious that one. "We'll I was registered as a boy, so I have to stay with the boys" I shrugged, "it's not that big of a deal really" I finished off Liam's jaw dropping at my words. "Not that big of a deal?! I don't even know you that well, but I still don't want you to be in a room with a boy other than us! And Harry" Liam told me making me giggle as Harry pouted at him. "Are you sure your not a boy?" Louis queried at me, acting as if he had glasses on, tipping his nose in my direction. "I'm sure" I told him rolling my eyes as they followed behind me, I looking for my dorm number. "Well your certainly to pretty to be a boy" Niall told me as his arm swiftly swung around my shoulder his hand playing with my brown locks. "Let's have a look then, let me see your key" Harry asked more in a ’I had no choice’ tone. These boys are all ready overprotective aren't they? Gotta tell my dad about this. Harry shoved the key to Niall's face, Niall seemed relieved at what he saw, "Well Sawyer looks like we're on the wrong floor" he told me, turning me in the direction of the elevator, as I turned "Would you guys mind going and grabbing my luggage, my cars just outside the gate!" I asked throwing my keys to Liam, I trusted him with them, they nodded making there way back to the entrance of the dorm, as Niall lead me to my room.
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