7.12.15 Him. He looks at me with eyes so deep, so dark I get lost in them like I am diving in a moonlit lake. Hands wrap around mine, unfamiliar to some but I know them well. They are the same hands that caress my cheek and stroke my bruises, the same hands that can start fires and solve wars all in his own mind. We are one; infinitely tangled between eachother. He has grown so common I barely notice my slipping into his own mind and resting there, observing the way he thinks and feels, letting myself react in the same way. I study his face the way he studies mine, with time and care I map out each freckle and mark counting them as my own for we are so in-tune I barely notice myself anymore. The hand closed around mine grips fast letting me know I need to break concentration. We have arrived. And moonlit eyes usher me onto the platform. You can discover a whole new world in the body of a stranger you bump into on the tube.
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