The Haunting The monster was still chasing me. up ahead through the ghostly trees i saw a delapidated house i had no choice but to enter it. i ran to the gates the gate slowly opened iwalked to the door slowly opened it i walked in to find a doll it was missing one eye then when i looked around i saw a white figure i blinked and it was gone suddenly a plank of wood fell on my head then i woke up to find myself in bed thew it was just a dream or was it. Then i closed my eyes again as my head was in agony i could hardly stand my eyes was in pain i could hardly see then in the distance of the hall way was the white figure i heared children cries in the background i ran straight to the door but all of a sudden the doors slamed shut weak scared frightened i had no choice but to go to the white figure unsure of what would happen my legs trebled as i walked other to the ghostly spirit i felt my heart pounding like a fog horn i stoped and wispered please no dont hurt me the ghost stoped nealed down and picked the doll up the ghost walked back in to the hall way i didnt have to worry about that any more but what i did have to worry about was getting out of here i walked up the creaky stairs were a window was open the window was craked i opened it slowly and climed down the vines but when i looked down there was skeletons i didnt know what to do how do i get out of here then i heared a car beep i knew at that moment it was a chance to live #life again i saw a ladder i picked it up and climed down the window i ran to the sound of the horn and it was a lorry i ran and ran and jumped on the back were it lead me straight home i jumped off the lorry and walked home went to my room and there was a plastic bag i looked in side to find the doll i screamed and ran and knew that night mare would stay with me forever
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