Danni POV
Moving into a new neighborhood is tough. I should know, I've done it 3 times already. Ever since my dad lost his teaching job in Ohio, he's had to get small jobs here and there. That means we have to move a lot. After my mom died 2 months ago, it's been hard for the both of us.
Dad was able to get a job as a teaching position here in Virginia, so that's where we live, for now. Usually, we're are here for about a semester then have to move again. Our apartment was brick on the outside and had a small porch. It was just like all the others on the street.
I walked up to my new room. It was pretty big. There was a window seat and a pretty walk in closet, not that I had very many clothes. I put them away then opened the other box. Inside was all the things that I cherish most, old photos of my mom and friends, small figurines that I was given, my journal , and a small heart shaped necklace that has small diamonds and rubies in it. It was given to me before Mom died. I always keep it with me.
I finished unpacking my stuff then decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. There was a small library at the end of the street and a little convenience store right next to it. I walked down the sidewalk and pasted by a small bakery called Anthony and Son Bakery. Dad gave me some money before I left so I decided to check it out.
When I walked in, I instantly smelled fresh bread and chocolate. I walked over the desk and looked up at the menu.
"Hello. How may I help you?" An older man asked form behind the counter.
"Ummm yes. I would like one of your chocolate milkshakes please." I said handing him the money and went to sit down and wait. I took a seat over by the window.
When my order was ready, I wales up to get it. Instead of the older man that took my order, there was a young boy about my age. He had sandy blond hair that hung to his ears and deep blue eyes that you could get lost in.
"Here's your order." He said smiling at me then walked back into the kitchen. I turned around and ran right into a girl my age. The milkshake went all over her.
"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to-" I tried to say.
"Uhhh! You ruined my new shirt. This was 150 dollars." She screamed.
"I'm sorry. But 150 for a shirt. That's just a stupid idea." I said.
"You should be. Now you're going to pay for it." She grabbed a cupcake off a rack and threw it at me. It hit me in the chest covering my necklace.
I grabbed a napkin and tried to wipe it off.
"What's wrong? Did your cheap little necklace get dirty." She mocked.
I wasn't paying attention as she grabbed a drink and dumped it on my head.
Then the boy I had met ran in and saw the mess I took a step forward to get out of the girls way and out the door, but I guess she was expecting that because she stuck her stiletto covered foot out in front of me. I tripped and landed on the floor. Everyone laughed tame. I felt to embarrassed.
"Marcy! This is enough. You can buy yourself a new shirt. Now get out." The boy said. The girl stomped out the door and rounded the corner. I was on the ground trying to get up, but my cake covered sneakers kept slipping.
"Here let me help you." The boy said grabbing my arm. I stood up but slipped again and fell into him.
"I am so sorry." I said backing up and almost slipping again.
"It's fine. Let me help you." He said pulling me behind the counter. Everyone had gone backs to their eating and talking. The boy went into the kitchen and came back out with a wet towel. He handed it to me an do tried to clean my self up. I took my necklace off and put it down on the table next to me.
The man that took my order came out and looked at me.
"Dad, this is-" the boy started to say
"Danni." I answered shaking the mans hand.
"Hello Danni. I'm Mr. Johnson and this is my sone Christopher."the man sis dating his son on the back.
"Call me Chris." The boy said.
There was a moment of silence before Mr. Johnson smiled, shook my hand again, and walked into the kitchen.
"You're new around here aren't you?" Chris asked.
"How can you tell?" I asked.
" We'll, Marcy didn't do half the damage she could have done if she knew you." He looked at me then smiled. I smiled back.
"We'll. I better get going. Thanks. For helping me." I said.
"No problem. Do you need any help or anything?" he asked walking me to the door.
"I think I'll be fine, but if the girl comes back then I'll let you know." I said.
We both laughed a little before I opened the door and left.
I walked down the street and to my house. Dad must have left because I found a note on the dining room table.
I need to do some things for work tonight. I'll be back in a few hours. Get ready because you have school tomorrow at Lexington High School. Sophmore!
Love you hunmy, Dad
"I have school tomorrow?" I yelled allowed. I put the note back on the table then went to my room. I went into my closet and pulled out my backpack. I already had my supplies ready. I walked over to my window seat and sat down. I thought about all the things that went on today. I thought about how nice that Chris boy had been to me even though he didn't even know me. When i lives in New York, no one was like that.
I felt for my necklace on my neck but it wasn't there. Where could it have gone? I thought about where i was then i remembered that I left it on the counter in the bakery.
I walked downstairs, grabbed my jacket, and ran out the door. The sun was setting and it was getting darker outside. The air was getting colder as well. Winter was just around the corner. I walked down the sidewalk, when I was just about there. I felt someone grab me from behind. I turned around to see a boy with short brown hair. He looked like he could be a football.
"Hey sweetheart. Hows about we go to my place?" He asked.
"I don't even know you." I said trying to pull away but he had a tight grip on my wrists. "Let me go!"
"Not a chance sweet cheeks. Now, you may want to rethink the part aout not wanting to come with me." He squeezed tighter on my wrists.
"Ow! That hurts. You're going to want to rethink grabbing onto me." I screamed.
"Not gonna happen." He put his hand over my mouth so I couldn't yell.
I kicked him hard in the right kneecap. He let me go and cried out in pain. "Told you." I said walking away. All of a sudden I felt myself being turned around and thrown to the ground. I cut my face on the sidewalk. I could feel the warm blood oozing down my cheek. "Ain't so fun now is it?" He smiled. I swiped his feet out from under him and he fell like a ton of bricks. I quickly got up. I wasn't expecting him to be up too.
He grabbed my arm and twisted me to face him. "Now sweetheart. Don't be like this." He kissed my neck several times.
"Get away!" I roundhouse kicked him in the back of the leg. He fell to the ground. I heard a familiar voice and a door close.
"What is going on here?" Chris asked. I turned to him and he saw the cut on my face and the bruises on my wrists. He also saw the boy on the ground. "What happened here Luke?"
"This jerk tried to get me to come home with him." I said plainly.
"So you beat him up?" Chris asked looking at me.
"Yeah. So." I said like it was usual.
"Um ok." He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the bakery. He unlocked the doors and brought me inside. "Here. Let me help you." He got a wet rag cleaned my face. My cut was still bleeding so he put a bandage over it form the first aid kit on the wall.
"Thanks." I said looking at him.
"No problem." Lifted my arms and looked at my wrists. He felt over them and I winced in pain.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"No it's fine." I said trying not to cry because the pain was unbearable.
"You don't have to hold in all your emotions." He said still looking at my arms.
"Yes I do. Or no one will take me seriously." I said looking him straight in the eyes.
"I would." He said looking back. "We'll, it looks like your going to be ok."
"Thanks. Oh, my chance, did I leave-" he cut me off
"A necklace." He walked over to the cash register and opened it up. He pulled out my necklace.
"Oh thank you so much!" I screamed.
"Your welcome. Why is it so special to you? You acted like it was the end of the world when Marcy threw the cupcake on it." Chris asked
"Well, when my Mom died 2 months ago, this was the only thing I had left of her. Besides pictures of course." I said fingering the jewels on it.
"Here. Let me help you." He took the necklace from me and put it around my neck.
"Thanks." I said and he smiled. "I better get home."
"Ok. See ya later." He said opening the door for me.
I walked back walked home and up to my room. I brush my hair and changed into my pj's. I looked at the clock on the wall in my room, 10:45. I curled up under the covers and went to sleep.
I woke up to Dad shaking my shoulder violently.
"Dad. What are you doing?" I asked lazily.
"It's time for school. And you need to get up." He said pulling the covers off of me. I made sure my bruised wrists were covered as I got dressed. Dad had left to go make breakfast.
I put on a long sleeve shirt, jeans, tennis shoes (not the ones I got cake on), and a jacket. I felt for my necklace but it wasn't there. I knew where it was but I couldn't get it till after school. I looked at the mirror on the wall. The cut on my face was hardly noticeable. To some people I look really pretty. I was told that my copper colored curly hair and bright blue eyes are to die for. After I brushed my hair, I went downstairs for breakfast. Cereal with milk.
"Thanks Dad." As he handed me a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
"Your welcome. Now school starts in 15. We only live about 10 minutes so I can drive you or you can walk." Dad said.
"I'll walk. I need some exercise anyway." I finished my cereal and then brushed my teeth. I grabbed my backpack off the window seat in my room and came downstairs.
"Bye Dad!" I called.
"Bye. I love you!" He called back.
I headed out the door and down the street. I figured that Luke kid wouldn't bother me today because of yesterday. I looked around. No one. I kept walking until I pasted the bakery. The lights were out and the sign said closed. I wondered if Chris walked to school too or if his Dad drove him. I kept walking and finally came to the school. It was big and made of brick, like my house. There were small porticoes on the left side. I walked up to the building and into the main office. I showed them a letter that Dad had given me and they gave me my class schedule, a student ID card, and my planner. I checked my first class, room 297,algebra 2. Easy. I walked around until I found the room then walked in. I handed the teacher my letter and he told me to sit down. I scanned the room. I saw two twin girls with black hair and freckles, a small boy with red curly hair, a few boys who looked like football players, and a few girls who I'm guessing were on the cheer leading team. I sat down at a seat in the back next to one of the twin girls.
"Hey. You must be the new girl." She said. "I'm Kathy. But everyone calls me Kat."
"Yeah and I'm Kaitlin. But everyone calls we Kate. The other twin said.
"Oh, I'm Danni." I said.
"Ouhhhhh what does that stand for?" Kat asked.
"Ummmm. It stands for Danyella." I said looking around at the door as someone came in. It was him, Luke. He had a bruise on the side of his face. I tried to hide myself but he came right over and sat next to me.
"Hello again." He said. I was glad that Kat and Kate went to the bathroom.
"Shut up." I said.
"Make me." He said smiling.
"Glad to." I held up a fist and was going to punch him, but the teacher began his lesson.
"Mr. Clayton. Please go back to your seat." The teacher said. "Now, as some of you may know, we have a new student. Would you like to come up here?" He asked gesturing toward me. I walked up to the front and faced the class. I could see Luke with a smirk on his lips. Only Chris could make that look hot. Wait. Did I just say that?
"Well, my name is Danni. I lived in New York before I came here, Andy guess that's it. Nothing special about me." I said.
"Well, thank you Danni. My name is Mr. Rowen." He said as I sat down.
After class was over, I went to my second class, English. I introduced myself to the class. Turns out Kat is in my class and thankfully Luke isn't. We talked some then when lunch rolled around I was already making friends, Kat, a girl named Hannah, Katie, and a boy named Jeremy. We sat together at lunch and talked.
"So Danni, what's New York like?" Jeremy asked.
"Well, it's very noisy and there are a lot of skyscrapers."'I said taking a bite of my PB&J.
"That must be so cool!" Hannah screamed.
"It is." I wished I could have stayed, but if I did then I wouldn't have met you guys. By the way, thanks for being nice to me. No one here seems to want to." I said looking around.
"No problem . You are pretty cool." Kat said.
"Thanks." I smiled back.
When lunch was over I went to 4th period, social studies. I walked in and saw Chris. I handed the teacher my letter and sat down next to him.
"Haven't I seen you before?" I asked smiling.
"I don't know have you?" He asked smiling back.
"I think so, last night wasn't it?" I asked.
"Yes indeed it was." He said.
We both laughed until I saw him, Luke. He came into the classroom and took a seat next to me.
"Hello sweetheart. Miss me?" He asked.
"In your dreams." I rolled my eyes.
He looked at the small red mark on my neck from where he kept kissing me. " Looks like you kept a souvenir from last night."
I could see anger fill Chris's eyes. "Like I had a choice." I said.
"See me after school. We need to talk." He said.
"Never." I said only inches from his face.
He leaned forward and smiled. We could have kissed, but I didn't want that so I pulled away. I looked at Chris and he was staring at the board in front of the room. No expression on his face. It looked as though he was in a trance. I touched his arm and he broke from the trance.
"Sorry." He said.
When class was over, I walked to science. Apparently Chris had class with me so we walked together.
"Hey. What happened to you? When Luke was talking about this, you seemed like you wanted to kill him." I pointed to the mark on my neck.
"Nothing." He said walking ahead of me.
I caught up and pulled him into a janitors closet doorway and made him face me. He was maybe 4 inches taller than me. "What's going on? What aren't you telling me?"
"It's just..... He's a player Danni. I don't want him hurting you like he's done to so many others." He said.
"Don't worry. I'm smart. I know how to kick his but and I've done it before. I won't let him hurt me. I promise." I said looking into his emerald green eyes.
I smiled then grabbed his arm. We got into the classroom right before the bell rung. I handed the teacher my letter and sat down. The only empty seat was in the back by a boy named Richard. He seemed nice.
When class was over, I walked to my last class of the day, Spanish. This was probably my best subject. I learned how to speak fluent Spanish when I was 10 years old. I also know how to speak fluent Swahili, French, and even Russian. Since we move a lot, I picked up a few things from my dad's job. Like how he had to work with a man from Russia so I learned Russian. Also we and to France one year when I was 5.
I handed the teacher my letter and sat down. We were working on preterite tense verbs today. I did my worksheets and was done in the first 10 minutes of class. I had the rest of the period to so whatever I wanted, so I drew. Drawing relaxes me. At my last school, I drew the mural that went on the school wall. A lot of people admired my drawing skills.
When the bell rung and school was over, I went out the front doors to go home. Once I got out the doors a hand grabbed me. I was pulled around the back of the school. When we got there, I saw Luke staring at me, smiling.
"What do of want?" I asked sharply.
"This." He pulled me close and kissed me hard. I heard the faint click of a door and a voice I wished wasn't there.
"Danni?" Chris asked looking hurt.
I pulled away and ran to him "Chris I-"
"She's with me now Chris." Luke said pulling me back. Chris looked at me then at Luke. He turned his head and walked away.
"Chris wait!" I yelled trying to pull away again, but Luke brought me back into another kiss. I could see Chris walking down the sidewalk. What have I done?
"See you tomorrow. Oh and bring those lips." Luke said.
"Never." I said.
"Oh really. Then I will tell everyone in school what happened last night and how it was you who was trying to get me to come." He said smiling evilly.
I had no choice. "Ok. I'll be here same time tomorrow." I said.
"No not here. Meet me in the hall by my locker same time tomorrow." He replied.
I felt awful. I ran to find Chris. He was in the bakery. I opened the door and walked up to the counter. "Chris, I... We."
"Save it. I saw you two. You weren't trying to pull away. Just.... Leave. I have customers waiting." He gestured to the door, so I left. I was so stupid! He was right. I didn't try to pull away. I ran home, opened the door, and ran up the stairs to my bedroom. I threw my stuff down and went into my closet. I slammed the door, curled up into a ball, and cried. Dad wouldn't been home for another hour, so I was here alone.
After about 5 minutes of crying and calling myself stupid, I decided to draw. I walked over to my desk and pulled out my sketch pad and pencil. I went over to the window seat and sat down. I looked out my window and saw the bakery. I felt tears come to my eyes but I blinked them back. I looked at my blank piece of paper and got an idea. I started drawing and didn't stop till Dad came home. I looked at my finished work and smiled. I folded it up and put it in an envelope. I walked downstairs.
"Hey kiddo. How was your first day of school?" Dad asked.
"It was great." I lied.
"That's great." He said reading his paper.
"Yeah. Well, I'm going out for a little while." I said grabbing my jacket.
"Ok. Be back before dark." Dad said. I had an hour.
"Will do." I called heading out the door.
I knew what I had to do, but I wasn't sure if it would work or not. I walked down the street to the bakery. I took the envelope out of my pocket and walked in the door. Thankfully it was Chris's shift so I lied the envelope on the cash register and walked out. I hope he got it.
Chris POV
I walked in from the kitchen to take the next order. I went over to the cash register and found a small envelope on it. "What's this?" I asked myself. I opened up and found a pictures with a note. It read:
I am so sorry for what happened. I know I didn't try and I was so stupid not to have. He grabbed me and brought me back there. I didn't want to go, I promise, please forgive me. I never would have done that ever. I hate Luke. You should know that. Of all people. Why would you think I liked what happened? Sorry.
There was also a picture of her. I'm guessing she drew it because it was really good. I felt bad for getting angry at her. I needed to apologize. It couldn't wait till tomorrow at school. I went into Dad's office and told him what I needed to do. He said that I could go, but had to work and extra shift when I came back. I said that was fine and headed out the door. I knew Danni's house couldn't be far. She walked to school everyday. I headed up and down the rows of streets looking for a sign to tell me it was her house. When I got to a road that had brick houses, I turned there. I walked down the sidewalk and found it. I saw her at a window seat. Her copper colored hair was unmissable. I knocked not he door and the door opened. It must have been her dad.
"May I help you?" He asked.
"Um yes. Can I speak with Danni? I'm one of her friends from school." I asked turning the envelope in my hands.
"Ok. Just a minute." He said as he called for Danni to come down.
Her hair bounced as she came down the stairs. "Dad what do you-" she looked right at me.
"We'll. I guess I should leave." Danni's Dad said.
"No. We'll be on the porch." Danni said closing the door behind us her gaze never left mine. She turned and sat down on the stairs. I remained standing. There was silence for a minute.
"I got your note." I said trying to break the ice between us.
"I noticed." She turned to me. "How did all this happen? When did all this start?"
I felt bad for her. She'd probably never been around someone like Luke. He's........different. I went and sat down next to her. Her eyes were red, like she'd been crying. I did this.
"I don't know." That was all I could say. She put her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her. We were content for a few minutes before she raised up.
"What's going on between us?" She asked. It was a good question. We'd only just met yesterday, yet it feels like we've known each other for years.
I looked away. "What do you want to be going on between us?"
She smiled then turned to me. "This." She said. She leaned in and so did I. I could feel her warm lips on mine. It was my first kiss.
Danni POV
To some people, it would have just been an ordinary kiss, but to me, fireworks were going off. I couldn't help but smile when we pulled away for air. He looked dumbfounded. We stood up and said our goodbyes. Chris said that he had to work a double shift because he left in the middle of his, so he had to leave. I didn't want him to but I knew he had to. I opened my door and stepped inside. Dad had already went to sleep, so I carefully went upstairs without making a sound. I ran to my window seat and looked outside. I could faintly see the boy I just kissed walking into the bakery. I got into my pj's and went to sleep.
The next morning, I got up early and fixed my hair. From two days of not styling it, I needed time. I decided to straighten it. I went into the bathroom and turned on my straightener. I walked out and got dressed in a cute blue sweater, black skinny jeans, and a pair of Nike tennis shoes. I straightened my hair and went downstairs for breakfast. Bacon, eggs, and milk. I sat down at the bar and Dad handed me my plate.
"So who was that boy you were talking to yesterday." Dad said smiling.
"Just a friend from school. He works at the bakery down the street. That's where I met him." I said eating the rest of my food.
"Just a friend, huh? Because I didn't hear any talking for about 2 minutes." He smiled again.
"Dad!" I screamed putting my plate in the sink. I smiled then went to grab my backpack.
I brushed my teeth then headed to school. On my way to school I pasted my the bakery. I saw Chris walking out and locking the door.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey." He said back. There was silence for a minute.
"Sooooo. I'm sorry about last night that- "
He gripped my shoulders and shut me up with a kiss.
"No need for sorry's."
We walked to school hand in hand. We parted our separate ways and went to class. By the end of the day. I went to my locker and put my books away. I walked down to the door and almost wen tout when I remembered. I needed to meet with Luke. Chris would be waiting for me at the end of the stairs. I turned around and headed toward Luke's locker.
Chris POV
I waited for Danni but she didn't come. I hoped nothing was wrong so I went back into the building. I went to her locker but she wasn't there. I was starting to get worried. I walked down the hallway when I saw her talking with Luke. I hid behind the corner. He grabbed her and pushed her into the lockers. Her head hit the door. I wanted to scream and run to her but I didn't want to make things worse.
Danni POV
I went and talked to Luke he said that he wanted to take me somewhere. I said no and he pushed me into the lockers. My head hit the wall. I felt like I was going to pass out.
"See what happens when you don't listen. I didn't want to hurt you." Luke said gripping tighter.
"Then why did you?" I asked wearily. My vision was blacking out.
He dragged me over to a janitors closet and opened the door. When he pushed me inside, he closed the door behind us. We were alone. He pushed me to the ground and stood over top of me. He started to lift up my shirt but I kicked him in the gut. He stumbled back and I quickly got up.
"Don't touch me you creep." He was blocking the door so I couldn't get out.
"You know what rides on this Danni. I wouldn't push it if I were you." He said lunging for me.
I tried to step out of the way but was to late. He grabbed me and threw me into the corner. He walked over, blocking me from any escape. He started to lift my shirt again, I kicked but missed. I punched but it made little effect. I started to call for help, but doubt anyone heard me. Chris was probably steaming mad and left. I screamed louder but no one came. As Luke pushed my shirt farther up, I pushed it back down.
"Come on. Just a little bit." He whined kissing my neck again.
"No!" I screamed, he pushed my head into the wall and I passed out.
Chris POV
I heard her yell so I ran to the door. I tried to open it but it was locked. I backed up them ran forward. I kicked the door as hard as I could ned it opened. I saw Danni in the corner passed out a Luke was over her lifting up her shirt.
"Get. Off. Of. Her." I clenched my fists then walked up to Luke.
He turned around and stood up. "No. She's mine. She said she would so this if I kept our little secret." He said. I got angrier and angrier until I lunged, knocking him to the ground. I kept punching and punching. I got up, grabbed onto Danni, and ran out of the closet. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my house. Mom is out of town till Friday and Dad's working late tonight. My brother Liam would be home but he could keep this a secret.
When I got home. I opened the door. Liam was on the couch watching tv. He turned and saw Danni in my hands.
"What happened?"
"Luke attacked her. I need help." I said laying her on the couch.
"Ok. Put her down on the couch. I'll get the first aid kit."
I payed her down and went to look out the window. I saw Luke walking up and down the street. I locked the doors and closed the curtains.
"So. I'm guessing this is a secret, huh? Liam asked.
"Definitely." Liam grabbed a wet rag and handed it to me. I whipped Danni's face hoping she would wake up.
"She'll be ok." Liam said to me
"I know." I wiped her face.
When I opened my eyes, I saw Danni smiling at me. I guess I fell asleep.
"Hi." She said weakly.
"Hi." I said smiling.
After a half an hour, Danni started to wake up. I lifted my head off the couch. I guess I fell asleep.
Danni's POV
"Yes." I said kneeling down beside Danni. I put my head down on the couch.
"She'll be alright bro." Liam said. He was 2 years older than me. He was always there for me.
"I know." I said looking him in the eyes.
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