Keep Strong Keep strong It may be raining now but I doesn't rain forever And never wish #life could be easier wish that it could be better But do not give up the beginning is always the hardest and remember a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single footstep .
#life's Easy Who said #life is easy ? You know that feeling when everyone stares ? When people laugh when you go past ? When you have day when you want to cry ? When You want to give up ? Try a little harder because everyday you get stronger but the word get a litter harder but if you made it up to here you can do a lot more so fight for what right but keep quit because a plan into the future takes time .
Hobbies Hobbies are hobbies it your chose explore with your curiosity and try different ones Draw , running , swimming , bake It's ur #life chose one it will help you with the long run