That awkward moment when someone laughs at what you said and you were completely serious...
(I just made it up but it might be on some lolsotrue screen saver)
Time can fly
but it can also stand still
Your call
Your move
Do it now
#life is hard
But so are rocks
Imagine if trees could talk What would they say
Creativity makes something out of nothing and nothing out of something
It gets better
When #life happens
We all feel it
Twice As Many That Await
For every #life there is twice as many windows
For every window there is twice as many doors
And for every door, window and #life there is twice as many opportunities that await you
A simple question asked by millions for millions of different reasons in different languages and the simplest answer we can give all of them is as simple as the question.
Why Not?
حذف التعليق
هل أنت متاكد من حذف هذا التعليق ؟