NO HOME It was in 1966 when I was found lying on the street I was homeless and only 6 years old and was starving this man called Malachi said come home with me I'll give you a loving home so I said ok and of we went in his rich car . The first few days he spoiled me but then on that Friday he told me to clean the house. now bare in mind his house was huge it was a mansion so anyway I started cleaning and by the time I had the toilet finished it was 5 he was getting meaner well I was getting tired to be quit honest and decided why don't I stay out on the street I don't have to clean there so I told Malachi I was going to leave and then he said no and locked me in this cupboard and then I found a torch and lit it on fire I had a look around the cupboard and found a button so I clicked it and a ladder fell down this hole so I went down the dark spooky ladder and found a ginormous cave with cob webs and water Official book called I want to live outside.
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