The New Monster College Chapter 3 I opened my locker to find a note inside. I started reading and this is what it saidear Moonstone please meet me on the rooftop at 4.15 exactly, from ???. School ended 4 so I had 15 minutes to get ready. I giggled and put back the note back and took out all my books. "What's that, I heard you talking to yourself or talking to me?" A strange voice ,which I had never heard before, came from behind my back. As I turned around I froze. I replied," You must be the new kid right nice to meet you I'm Moonstone and you are?" "The tooth fairy!" He said "Who do you think I am?" I didn't know what to say so I just fell silent he asked what was wrong but I couldn't reply. I tried to speak but nothing came out so I ran away. He looked at me as I lowered my head, "Huh.....did I do something wrong?" He questioned but no of course he was wrong I didn't speak because I psychically couldn't. I carried on my way knowing that that boy thought I was weird. The day went on as usual until it came to 4.15 and that was the moment I had to go to the roof. I climbed up on a dumpster and a stray hand came down to lift me up. "Hi! Nice to meet you I'm Kyle and I wanted to meet you but since we aren't in any classes I didn't have time." As I clambered up I saw two blue eyes and a dazzling smile. I was speechless. This boy was not from before but someone new. He said to me "Sorry if I shocked you Sam, my hand was the only thing visible while lifting you up." I stared at him for some time not saying a word. He had no different features from a human but of course he had to be a monster or else he wouldn't be here. An unknown voice came from the dumpster "Kyle hi you said to meet you here? Wh- Oh hi you are?" The girl asked politely. " I relied Sam and she said she was Katy then she asked if we could go somewhere private for a minute. Of course as polite that she was I accepted and went behind a loft. There was a silence and then......SLAM, Katy pushed me against the metal wall muttering "If you touch him or lay a single finger on him I will kill you so just stay away got it?" At this point I didn't know what to do I was shocked but I nodded my head scared of what she would do to me if I didn't.
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