See that girl with the smile? Inside she is dying, her torn heart is crying, although she is trying, she's sad. But she doesn't show it, Can't let anyone know it. So she just laughs and sighs, Then the bell rings, gladly she says her goodbyes. Hurries home, gets out a blade, She's not afraid, of her blood. 1 cut, 10, go on another won't hurt, But soon bloods on the sleeves of her shirt. Tired, upset, she climbs into bed, listening to the roaring in her head. Her dreams show her no strife and she wakes and grabs her knife. If only in this paradise she could live, Her own body, anything she'd give. Blood, flesh, from her veins so fresh. Next morning, this girl did not awake, Mother came in, gave her a shake. Noticing the sheets stained blood red, horrible thoughts fill her head. But nonetheless, this mothers daughter is dead.
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