My Favorite #quotes 1) "Happiness can always be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light." ~Albus Dumbledore
My Favorite #quotes 1) "Happiness can always be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light." ~Albus Dumbledore
The Odd One Out (Harry Potter Story) Hey! I'm Andrea Weasley. Yep, you heard me. Weasley. Anyway, here's some stuff you should know about me. Name: Andrea (You call me Andy!) Weasley. Age: 11 Looks: Strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, really small Personality: Sarcastic, Nice, mean when needed, really good at lying. Bio: Hey! I'm Andy. Little Miss Perfect- I mean Ginny's twin sister. Yep. She's little miss perfect. Mum always wishes I'm more like her. It doesn't bother me-much. Okay, so it hurts like crazy. Don't tell anyone I said that! Fred and George are my BBBFL. Best big brothers for #life. They're awesome and actually act like I'm important. Anywho, I'm starting Hogwarts this year! I'll probably be in Gryffindor, considering my whole family was in Gryffindor. Sorry, I got to go. I think mum found out I put a spider in Ron's food. Shhhh! Chapter One "ANDREA WEASLEY!!" Molly Weasley shouted to her daughter. "GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE!" Andy Weasley, a little 11 year old girl, came down with a glare. "Do not call me Andrea." She said. She hated her full name. "I'll call you whatever I want when you do something like that to your brother." Molly said. "Oh come on! I put one little spider in his food." Andy said, earning snickers from her older brothers Fred and George and a glare from her other brother Ron. "Why can't you be more like Ginny?" Mrs. Weasley asked while doing the dishes. Andy's heart broke a little and she walked over to Fred and George, sitting in between them. "I'm sorry Andy." They said together, knowing how it hurt their little sister whenever their mum said that. Andy shrugged. "I'm used to it by now." She said, though they knew she wasn't. Ginny was always the perfect girl. She got the perfect grades in muggle school. She had the perfect friends. She has the perfect everything. Andy was jealous of how much her mum loved Ginny, but she would never admit it. "Hogwarts tomorrow!" Fred said, changing the topic. Andy smirked a bit and nodded. "You better get in Gryffindor." George said. "Oh I will." Andy said. "I'm a Gryffindor. Where the brave and bold belong!" She declared loudly. "Quiet down Andy!" Mrs. Weasley said. Andy huffed. She stuck her tongue out and started making weird faces behind the wall. Fred and George laughed hysterically. Mrs. Weasley walked in and Andy stopped, putting on an innocent smile. Mrs. Weasley rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen. Andy heard her mutter the words "Andy", "Ginny", and "Better daughter." Andy looked down, obviously knowing who she meant the better daughter was. Fred and George walked up to Andy, both putting a hand on her shoulder. "Andy we're-" They started but Andy cut them off. "No, I get it okay? I'm nothing. I don't mean anything." She said and shrugged their hands of, running up to her room which she of course shared with Ginny. She slammed the door shut and heard her mum yell at her but she didn't care. Andy sat on her bed and stared at the wall silently. She stayed up there the rest of the day. Chapter Two. "Hogwarts! Hogwarts! We're going to Hogwarts!" Andy sang as she made her way to the platform. Fred and George laughed at their sisters excitement. Andy smiled cheekily as she got there. Mrs. Weasley and Ginny went. Then Arthur Weasley and Percy. Then, it was he and the twins turns. "Together." They said at the same time. They ran in. Andy looked around in awe. Believe it or not, she's never been there. Her mum always made her stay home. And guess who got to go? You guessed it, or maybe you didn't, little miss perfect. Andy was stuck home alone. She handed her stuff to the guy boarding the train and got on herself. She looked for an empty compartment. Her, bring her clumsy self, bumped into someone. "I am so sorry!" She said immediately. The kid looked up at her. He had blonde, almost white, hair. He was a taller then her. "Watch where you're going Mudblood!" He sneered. She glared at him. "One, I'm a pure-blood. Two, don't you dare call anyone that word." Andy growled. Ron's friend Hermione was a muggle-born and she was probably ten times smarter then this git. The kid smirked a bit. "You fight back. I like you." He said and held out his had. "Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He said. Andy rolled her eyes. "A Malfoy. I should've known." She said. "Oh yeah? If you know me so well then what's your last name?" Draco asked. He knew just about every pure-blood family there was. "Weasley." Andy said proudly. Draco scoffed. "You don't look anything like your family." Andy shrugged. "So I don't have flaming red hair. That doesn't mean I'm not a Weasley." She said. Draco rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He said and walked passed her, bumping into her as he passed. She glared and found an empty compartment. After a while of looking out the window, she soon fell asleep.
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