Warrior Cats: Sounds Of The Forest (1) Chapter One Snowkit awoke to a loud whine. "But mom, I'm almost an apprentice! I can clean myself!" It was Stormkit, one of Snowkit's brothers. He was the complaining, hot-headed type of kit, like a storm. Hence his name. "Shush, Stormkit. You've awoken your sister." Snowkit recognised the soothing voice of her mother, Pondheart. The name suited her, she was calm and kind. Snowkit sat up, amusement made her whiskers twitch as her brother tried to struggle away from his mother's licks. "Oh, Stormkit. You're going to miss being in the nursery, you'll be too lazy to catch a leaf!" Sneered Stonekit, Snowkit's other brother. "Have you got bees in your brain? I'll be the best warrior OakClan has ever known! I'll be the best leader in history!" Stormkit meowed proudly, puffing out his chest. "Will you be quiet?" Snowkit snapped at last. "Calm down, Stormkit. The whole nursery is awake now." Pondheart purred in amusement. "Yes, Stormkit. It's a shame I will have to be in the Apprentices Den soon with you.. When can I get away?" Stonekit scoffed. Stormkit and Stonekit were always competitive and teased each other a lot. Snowkit found it ironic how the three kits' name began with the letter 'S'. "Icecloud will be having her kits soon," Pondheart meowed to them. "Thank StarClan for them that this noisy kit won't be there to wake them up everyday," snapped Stonekit. "Don't be so rude, what has gotten into you two today?"Pondheart licked Stormkit again. "When will we become apprentices, though?" Snowkit asked curiously. "Very soon," purred Pondheart. "Yeah but that doesn't exactly tell us when," Stormkit butted in. "Patience is the word," Stonekit meowed. "No, apprentice is the word, not patience," snapped Stormkit. "Could you zip your mouths? It's hard to get some sleep around here," mumbled another kit. Snowkit turned around to see Smokekit, one of Skystreak's kits. "Sorry for that, Smokekit," meowed Snowkit politely. Smokekit smiled at her. Snowkit thought she could see a hint of admiration on his face, but she ignored it. I, Crowstar call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these new apprentices. Do you accept and obey the warrior code to protect this clan at all cost, even if it risks you #life?" Crowstar meowed throughout the clearing. Snowkit nodded. "I do," she replied in a formal tone. She looked down at the many cats of OakClan from the High Stump, A tall tree stump covered in moss and ivy. "Yes, I do," meowed Stonekit proudly. "I do!" Meowed Stormkit excitedly. "Birdsong, you are a loyal and skilled warrior. Pass this onto young Snowkit" A pale grey she cat leapt onto the High Stump and touched noses with her new apprentice, "Spiderfang, you are a wise and brave warrior, pass this onto Stonekit." Snowkit watched silently as a solid black large Tom padded over toStonekit and touched noses with him. "Lightstripe, you are a swift and trustworthy warrior. Pass this onto Stormkit." Again, Snowkit sat and watched silently beside her mentor as a pale grey she cat with white stripes touched noses with Stormkit. "From now on, until you have earned your warrior names, Snowkit will be known as Snowpaw, Stonekit will be known as Stonepaw, and Stormkit will be known as Stormpaw." Snowkit smiled with pride as the cats cheered their new names. "Snowpaw, Stonepaw, Stormpaw!"
Luna Eclipse
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