Blissful Tomorrow -1- It was a dark day, deviating from rain to snow. Nicole always hated the cold. Unfortunately, she lived in a small town in Michigan. No matter the season, Barleyton always rained. As she trudged along in her rain boots, she grimaced at the other teenagers her age who splashed in puddles. One would think that being seniors in high school they would have grown out of it. "Niki!" A girl with long brown hair called behind her. She stopped and saw her her best friend Marissa running up. "Hey" Nicole said with a smile. "Have you heard?! There's a new guy at school!" "Oh joy! Let me guess he's hot?" Nicole replied sarcastically. Marissa thought every new guy was hot in their pathetically small town. "Well of course! I wouldn't come start a commotion if he wasn't! Anyways, he is totally your type. Talk, broad shoulders, dark disposition... " she continued talking but Nicole stopped listening. All of a sudden she ran into what felt like a brick wall... No wait it was a person. She looked up to find intense blues eyes staring right into hat felt like her soul. "Hey, I'm new here. My name's Blane."
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