Summer. This is my younger sister, Summer's poetry. She is 9 years old and will be joining Opuss in... 5 MINUTES. Her username will be XxSummer07xX. Take it away- Summer. The world doesn't seem as perfect anymore, It looks so evil and horrid, what more? Count them fingers, Two, Three, Four. There's a place I belong, but it doesn't have a name, I'm sorry, God, this ain't a game. Words are none but the song is loud, This world that I belong in makes me proud. I'm glad I have a sister, I'm glad I have a mum, But in this world of mine, we don't have a sun. We have #life and songs of peace, No one is first, no one is least. Your reading this #poem and I smile too, But most importantly in my world, you have to BE YOU. ❤ Thankyou,Opuss. From Summer, And Tania.
read more...The Fault That Haunts Our Hearts The plane crashed. It was all so sudden. I didnt wake up for hours on end. My child- Lily was lay next to me- crying and gasping for air. She couldnt move her left leg or her right arm. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She was calling for her mother. I couldnt do anything. Sirens were echoing in the distance. Someone was going to save us-help us- save my child's #life. The sirens stopped. Footprints were heading towards my kid. They didnt go to Lily. They came to me. They didnt even see my child. I opened my eyes and told them to save Lily first. She was still crying for me. Her left arm reached out towards me. 'Mum!! Please help-' I didnt know what to do. The paramedics didnt listen...
Is Daddy Coming Home Yet? When I was young, I'd be with my sister and my mum, I'd ask 'Is daddy's work done?' 'Is Daddy Coming Home Yet?' I'd ask each night but no response, My prayers each night grew less hopeful each night, I began to give up, I could hear my little sister cry her self to sleep. I'd prefer to be with daddy than to live, I'd always want to stay as a family back then, Yet- my daddy never came home.