Starlight Chapter 1 I closed my eyes. Feeling the fresh, cold wind on my face. I stood there waiting, waiting till the right moment. "You get away from that cliff Jay!"' Mum said waving her arms. "I am not having you fall off that cliff". My name is Jay Carter. I'm 14 years old and I live in Brighton. By the sea. "Come on Jay, were going back to the house now." Mum said. "I just want to stay a little longer." I say. "No, Jay we've got to go home. Your little sisters got her knickers in a twist." Mum replies. It's all about my sister, she's eight and is always in my nerves. Her name is Sadie. My Dad and Mum don't know anything. About kids. It's all about family bonding and not 'hanging with friends'. I love hanging with my friends Alex and A.J. They're both extremely cool, and they both have 'mobiles'. Getting to those, Mum says their pollution for ears and I might get a brain tumour. As if. "Mummy. Jay isn't getting ready for school," Sadie said, batting her eyelashes. I narrowed my eyes at her. "It's a Saturday. Dumb....I thought you were smart" I say flicking her. I am always annoyed at my sister
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