That One Girl Every night she cries herself to sleep. She feels like she has no one but herself. She's been hurt too much to trust anyone again. Her favorite place is her room. She sits in there all day, because she's safe there. Every morning she wakes up and wishes that everything will be okay. But almost every day is just the reason for another scar. She wants to just run away from everyone and everything. Or better yet, just go to sleep and not wake up. All she wanted to do was help people. But over time, she couldn't even help herself.
What we need in this world, is more love. Hate gets us nowhere. If you live your #life hating people, more people are going to hate you. Just love everyone, and be kind to everyone. I wish people would do that. The world would be such a beautiful place. People throw around the word "hate" like it means nothing, but hating is a big deal. I doubt anyone is reading this, but if anyone out there is, just know that I love you, and you're beautiful. Even though I don't know you, I still love you and think you're beautiful. We're all humans playing the same game called #life, we should just let everyone be happy. Well, I'm done with my little rant. Have a great night guys.(: <3
My favorite thing in the world so far, is when your one favorite song comes on. No matter how you feel, it's like as soon as you hear the few guitar strokes, drum beats, whatever, at the beginning of the song, Your eyes just light up, and all those bad feelings go away for the 4 minutes the song plays, and even when it's over, you feel just a little better, Just a little lighter. Like everything will probably be a little better tomorrow. And sometimes you play the song again, and you do that little dance where you just move your shoulders around, and a little smile comes across your face, because the song is just so perfect in your eyes. And then you have the song stuck in your head all week, but it doesn't bother you, not even a little. Because sometimes, music is really the only thing that ever makes you feel just a little happy. Maybe that's just me, but whatever.
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