New Dawn Allegiances ------------------- ThunderClan Leader: Firestar , Handsome ginger tom. Deputy: Brambleclaw, Big, Dark brown tabby. Medicine cat: Leafpool, Brown tabby with white chest, muzzle and paws. Apprentice: Jayfeather Warriors: Squirrelflight, dark ginger she-cat with a white paw. Apprentice: Foxpaw Dustpelt, dark brown tabby tom. Sandstorm, pale ginger she-cat. Cloudtail, long-haired white tom. Brackenfur, golden brown tabby tom. Sorreltail, tortoiseshell and white she-cat. Thornclaw, golden brown tabby tom. Brightheart, White she-cat with ginger splotches. Spiderleg, long legged black tom with a brown underbelly. Whitewing, white she-cat. Apprentice: Icepaw Birchfall, light brown tabby tom. Graystripe, long-haired grey tom with a darker gray stripe. Berrynose, cream coloured tom. Hazeltail, small grey and white she-cat. Mousewhisker, grey and white tom. Lionblaze, Golden tabby tom. Hollyleaf, Black she-cat. Cinderheart, grey tabby she-cat. Poppyfrost, tortoiseshell she-cat. Honeyfern, light brown tabby she-cat. Apprentices: Foxpaw, reddish tabby tom. Icepaw, white she-cat. Queens: Ferncloud, pale grey with darker flecks she-cat. Daisy, long-haired cream cat mother of Spiderleg's kits, Rosekit and Toadkit. Millie, Silver tabby she-cat mother of Graystripe's kits, Briarkit, Bumblekit and Blossomkit. Elders: Longtail, pale tabby tom with black stripes. Mousefur, small pale brown she-cat. Cats outside of Clans Sol, long-haired tortoiseshell and white tom. Fallen Leaves, ginger and white tabby tom. Ashfur, grey with darker flecks tom. Prologue ----------------- Ashfur paced around in the warriors den thinking of who Lionblaze, Jayfeather and Hollyleaf's mother was. Just before he was threatening Hollyleaf saying he would tell everyone she tried to kill him but could not bring herself to, just thinking about it made Ashfur shudder. He walked around camp looking for something to do when he came across Leafpool's den. "This can't go on I need to tell!" Wailed Leafpool, "Shh someone will hear you!" The other sighed, "Try to keep it in until after tomorrow ,the gathering, at least tell mother." Ashfur slid quietly and popped one eye through the lichen wall. Squirrelflight! The mother if the 3 is Leafpool! Ashfur thought in his head. Yes I can tell everyone at the gathering for my revenge on Squirrelflight, he thought again. He quickly scampered of as Squirrelflight came out. "Be careful Ashfur is sneaky he knows about the mother, he doesn't know it's you."Leafpool closed her eyes to sleep and in that dream something came. Holly will turn to ash and become free. ---"Who is going to the gathering?" Replied Leafpool. "You, Squirellflight, Hollyleaf, Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Graystripe and Ashfur."
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