Cosmetic Confessions I'm very new to this, so forgive me if I bore you with my blogs, but I'd like to share with you all my journey on getting a beast enlargement. I'm 18 years old and yes, I've been told a million times I'm "too young", "silly" or I could "spend the money on something better". But, until those people try and see things from my point of view they truly will never understand. And to be quite honest I'm tired of trying to explain to people my reasons for surgery, because they still think of it as vain and attention seeking. Forever, well from when I could remember I wanted boobs.. Don't ask why, I just did, I've always wanted to feel comfortable in a bikini that wasn't a "boost bikini" or some nice underwear that didn't have air bags in them! But it never happened and so now I'm doing something about it. For some reason a lot of people always feel selfish when they decide to do something for their happiness rather than the happiness of others, but everyone deserves to be happy and if that means surgery then I'm all for it as long as you've looked into everything and it wasn't just an overnight decision. My surgery is on 17th of may. People have asked me if I'm scared, but I'm not as I've been out under anaesthetic plenty of times before and I know after everything it will be worth the pain!
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