My Grandad's A Bad Man. This horrifying horror story all started when I was 7 years old. Every Summer I would always go to my Grandma's, she lived in her old cosy cottage, Grandpa died in the cottage, which kind of creeped me out when I stayed there for the Summer. It was when my Mum and Dad went on their honeymoon in LA. So they drove me to Transylvania, which is where my Grandma stays. It was at 9 when I was woken by the sound of murmuring outside my window. 5 minuets later, hiding under my covers, clenching my teddy to my face, I could hear scratching against my window and my Grandad's ash box open and close. I could hardly breathe, I was about to yell for my Grandma but I knew she'd get angry with me and say there's nothing there. I peeked over my covers to see the window with an old face that looked familiar but angry. I then realised who it was. It was my grandad. Confused, scared, broken hearted, I swept the covers off and headed towards the faded white face at the window. As I leant forward to speak it grabbed my neck, held me up high and squeezed more. I found it hard to breathe but I didn't struggle because I was young I thought he was just joking and usually he would let go. But no, I panicked when he started coming in from the window and started laying me down on the bed. I struggled away but he was too strong for me. He pulled my bottoms down and said goodbye Shannon...
Kyle Mitchell
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