Last One " Go ahead, just shoot!" I shouted at the young man in front of me. " I have nothing to live for anyway!". I can't get it out of my head, what happened to America. Everything went to chaos when the enemies attacked. They took all of our food supplies, and destroyed all of the water supply with chemicals. I assumed the man in front of me was one of the enemies, but he wasn't, he was like me. He thought I had food or something, but I didn't. He had a gun, a rare item in this kind of country. He looked about my age. About 16. "Drop anything you have!" He said. "Please. I don't have much, but I have a brother at my house. I was on a run for medicine for him. He is so sick. Please! Don't do this." I said with plead. "Where do you guys live? How do you have a house?" He said. "Why should I tell you!" I said. "I have medicine, lots of it. I can come with you and help him." The charming young man said. "Fine." I say, kind of unsure of my decisions. We walk to my house. I found out his name is Channing. I told him my name is Lana, and my brothers name is Dylan. Channing is 18, I'm 16. When we got to my house, Channing gave my brother fever medicine and water. I was amazed by the sight of it. I knew I needed water, but I didn't ask for any. Two days later, I got shot in the chest. I didn't survive. Our house was raided, and Channing and Dylan where killed as well. We met up in heaven. I found my mom and dad and brother. We where reunited souls.
Riley Gautier
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