Is It Over? (a MegaMan Story) (This story is from Megaman's point of view) I looked at the ground as I walked away from Capcom's head office. Rush followed behind me. Keiji Inafune left me to fend for myself. I took off my helmet letting my hair blow in the wind I was hoping that I would find a home. I sat down on a small bench just by a small shopping district, I had a bit of money left from my 25th anniversary so I decided to buy some food, nobody noticed me But I heard a voice call my name "Rock! Is that you?" I turned around to see who it was. It was Megaman Volnutt. "Hey, how are you Rock?" He asked. He mustn't have been told about Inafune's recent decision. "Not good, Vol, Inafune decided to make a new company called Comcept and Capcom kicked out all mega man characters." I said. "WHAT!? WHY!?" He yelled. The manager of the store said we had to leave or we would be fined for annoying the customers. We left the store. I was booted by Capcom and now by society I was really hungry so I purchased a punnet of Cherries from a small stand just outside of the shop. "Here you go, Rush" I said feeding him a Cherry. "Excuse me sir, May I please pat your dog?" A little boy asked me. "Of course, just be gentle" The little boy patted Rush on the head. Normally, Rush would be intimated by something like that. But he seemed ok. "What's his name?" The boy asked. "His name is Rush" I replied. "My name is Aki" the boy said. "Nice to meet you. My name is Rock" I replied. "Aki, were leaving" I heard somebody shout. "My mum is calling me, I have to go. Bye" the little boy said as he went back to his mother.
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