Double Dares Taylor woke up to the sound of static. The staric imediatley changed into the news. She new her dad was watching it before he headed to work every morning. It was saturday and she was thrilled. She hopped out of bed and changed into jeans and a pink crop top. She put on her hiking boots and brushed her hair, pulling it into a high ponytail. Her blonde silky hair was usually hard to brush, but not today. She skipped out to the living room, where her little sister Jamie was sitting playing with her dolls. Her mom had toast, waffles, and mill sitting on the table. " Well hello sunshine," her dad said not looking up from the tv. " Come on tayTay!! Eat waffles!!" Jamie said. Taylor grabbed a peice of toast and took a bite. " hi daddy. Mom what time is it?" She asked sitting down at the table." My 14 year old daughter asking what time it is? Goodness, maybe my 6 year old doesnt even know what time it is!" Taylors mom said laughing. " its almost 6 dear." Taylor laughed and finished her toast and milk. " cya guys later!" She said as she headed outside. She walked to the marketplace to meet her 3 best friends, Anna, jerry and Brandon they met there all the time. " Blondie tou finally came!" Anna said as she pulled Taylor into a hug. She hugged Jerry and brandon as well. " What are we doin today?" Tsylor asked as they walked down a paved damp path. The rocks and pennles crunched under neath their feet. " lets play hide and seek in the forest!" Brandon suggested. Taylor stopped walking. " That forest is haunted.." She said nervously. " oh c'mon!! Its just a myth. It cant be haunted. Too chicken to go in that forest aren't cha?" Jerry said and started making Chicken noises. " Knock it off!! Fine fine lets go.." Taylor said grabbing Annas arm. " Taylor their boys you know how they are," Anna said as the girls continued walking, the boys goofing around in the back.
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