Jhutch Imagine Part 1 Imagine... You're at the mall, browsing around for cute new clothes. As you walk along, looking in the shop windows for anything of interest, you notice a guy in a light brown fedora, similar to one of the ones that you've seen Josh Hutcherson wearing in an interview. You can't help but wish that it was actually Josh, because you seem to be hopelessly in love with this amazing actor that you sadly will never meet in your #lifetime. It can't be him though, because if it was, there would have been a crowd of screaming fangirls surrounding him. A bright blue shirt in a window catches your eye, and you go inside to check it out. You end up leaving the store with more than you planned, and as you walk out, your friend texts you. Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you decide to text her back later, since you don't feel like running into anyone in the mall at the moment. Your phone tragically misses as you attempt to place it in your back pocket. As you turn around to pick it up, you see that light brown fedora again, but on the man right behind you. He wasn't the tallest guy you'd ever seen, looking only a few inches taller than you, and his hair looked to be a beautiful shade of dark brown. His face was the most perfect shape you had ever seen, and he had the most gorgeous, striking jawline. But it was his eyes that really revealed who this was. The most amazing shade of hazel and brown and green all mixed into one. This man was none other than Josh Hutcherson.