Chocolate Easter Nests first, lay the paper cases on the tray if you have more than one. next, get the bowl and brake the chocolate and put both the chocolate and the butter in the bowl. now, stir them and put them in the microwave. then, put the shredded wheat in the bowl with the chocolate and butter that should now be melted in after that, put the mixture in each paper case and mould it to look like a nest and put some mini eggs in finally put them in the fridge then they are ready to eat
The Mystery That A Boy Found Out Once upon a mystery there lived a boy call joe. He loved finding out mysteries and things like that. One day in the newspaper he saw a spaceship landed in Africa He really wanted to investigate. So the next day his mum took him to Africa to investigate it was cool. That moment aliens came out. Joe wasn't frightened because he was youse to that thing. He said hello the aliens said helllo. Why are you here joe said. The allies said we are here because we accidentally crash landed here. We were on a mission can we help. Ok To be continued....
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