Who am I to say where the winter winds go Or how cold they should be I am only a man I have no control over such things I only control my body With which I do my own thing The rest is unknown I am not in between
Daha fazla..Who am I to say where the winter winds go Or how cold they should be I am only a man I have no control over such things I only control my body With which I do my own thing The rest is unknown I am not in between
Daha fazla..Getting away from a hazy mind Then forgetting all that just happened My all too common sense of time Nothing leaves me, nothing comes Only confusion left to linger in droves Swept across the nation of myself To clear and purify what was there Then to have it all back at a moments notice Such a calming feeling but somewhat unsettling to realize nothing once thought, is real
Daha fazla..Off The Cliff I fell off the side of a cliff with a rocky patch below I thought I had fell to my death all alone Cracked my skull and fractured my spine I was hurt in the end although the beginning was fine Recovery took long and I still have my scars I'm still broken in some places Especially my heart Then I learned again what it's like to fall But this time with warm pillows below And falling felt different this time around It felt graceful and amazing I felt safe and sound I realized the first time was not a fall But a push from behind I was forced from that cliff I was meant to die But somehow I survived the fall To only fall again But this time I won't be hurt And I don't need to think first At the bottom of this cliff The right one will be waiting for me For she jumped too She jumped for me
Daha fazla.."I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death." -Thomas Paine