Tuesday 25th September 2012 10:26 Sat here watching trash tv on my day off, the dogs are curled up next to me, keeping me warm. I've been thinking that I should start the "Remembering The Kanji Book" and sign myself up for the Huddersfield open day. I must be productive! And hopefully not let the rain get me down. Sitting here, reading all the entries here, makes me truly happy. #happiness 10:34 As much as I support people who want to quit smoking I don't appreciate the NHS branding my birth month as 'stoptober'. It's really lame. October is a month which is celebrated in more ways than cheesy campaigns... It reminds me of Movember too. #lesigh #stoptober #october #movember 10:43 Got my first follower on Opuss whilst waiting for my laptop to do it's thing. Thank you so much! #firstfollower 10:49 Looking for printable practice sheets for the kanji, I can read the meanings but not write them so well. Drifting back in my mind to the usability of this app I think finally! An app which just works! Seeing as many have iPhones it's not that exclusive and I like that you can just have the ability to write at your finger tips, any time you want. I'll continue to update this when I can, I do have a lot of thoughts, trivial and not so trivial, like all human minds. #trivial #thoughts 12:55 I've finished the first 3 chapters if RTK1... With a lot of kanji scribbling. Ugh, I haven't eaten all day. Lunch time. Then. I shall sign up for that open day. Ha! My dog farted and thought I wouldn't notice! Ewww what a wiffy dog!! She looked puzzled when I started gasping for non-methane-contaminated air. Oh well, I can't put her and her brother in the garden to play because she hates the rain. She now seems quite content with snoring on the sofa so I'll leave her there for now. #fartydog
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