The truth about Religion Religion was a story created by the Bourgeoisie (ruling class) to stop the Proletariat (working class) from rebelling because they were the ones spending hours and hours a day toiling in the fields for seemingly nothing while the high society sat in their fancy abodes looking down at them. They wondered why and thought it wasn't fair ...that's where religion comes in, the Bourgeoisie came up with religion, it offered the answers and rewards the Proletariat needed and wanted. Now because of religion they were being told "This is your #life, this is just how it is, but if you're good, honest, hardworking and stick to the rules you'll be rewarded in heaven instead, an infinite kingdom beyond what you can see in this #life where you'll have whatever you want" ...sounds good doesn't it? who wouldn't want to believe that? Still don't believe me? ok. The first piece of literature that was written about Jesus/ towards the Bible etc was more than 100 years after the alleged events took place. Now if you will, imagine Chinese whispers, let's say Jesus was real, but as a Derren Brown type man, a common magician. Imagine seeing "magic" for the very first time? you'd be amazed, astounded, mesmerised! you'd tell your family, your friends and the like, now imagine a hundred years of Chinese whispers, slowly simple tricks become walking on water, slowly simple tricks become turning water into wine, slowly simple tricks become resurrection. Until one bright spark decides to write down this incredible STORY, and sees its potential, it has many uses, the aforementioned indoctrination of the Proletariat, for which it was created in the first place, only difference now is that it could be handed around, it was all in line, no discrepancies, and of course, it was in a book it's got to be true, right? Need more proof? well, no more than 200 years ago a man, just a normal man told people that an Angel came to him in a dream and told him the location of golden tablets, which he then supposedly found but were in an alien language. Yet he, and only he could translate them, then they disappeared. What was on these alleged golden foreign tablets was a new set of teachings, which became the book of Mormon. AMAZINGLY people actually believed him! it grew and grew in popularity and now it's a fully fledged mainstream religion, from less than 200 years ago!?! that's how easy it was, no, IS to just create a religion. So now, when you look up, what do you see? God, heaven? or just the sky.
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