I'm 17, in a current state of happy-depressed feelings so expect some sad opusses, I love music, movies and anime (:
Estar en el auto con tus papás enojados el uno con el otro y desear estar en cualquier otro auto...sí incluso ese que acaba de chocar
You didn't think you'd be so dumb To just grab a hold of whatever came along
I Knew It So yesterday someone who used to be my friend told me this "I stopped caring about you, sorry if it's too harsh" and I was just there like "nah it's okay, I knew you'd end up doing just that".
I lost the#moonwhile counting the stars.
I'll miss you more than anyone in my #life.
Weet je zeker dat je wilt ontvrienden?
Weet u zeker dat u dit lid van uw familie wilt verwijderen?
Je hebt geplooid Luff
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