The Unicorn Who Thought He Was A Pig
Chapter One ( Faith And Laughter )
There was once a unicorn, who thought she was a pig.Everyone laughed at her because they thought that was stupid but there was Faith, walking through Mystical City getting laughed at.She was very upset by this.She seen Allie the Alligator and Allie burst out laughing."Ahahahaha! Faith!! Piggy Winks!" Shouted Allie. "Stop laughing, Oink!" Sobbed Faith. Lizzy the Lizard heard them and came over, "What's going on?" Asked Lizzy. "Faith!! Thinks she is a pig! Hahaha." Laughed Allie.Lizzy was new in the city so she did not know who Faith was, but she felt very sorry for Faith because Lizzy was nice. "Oh, Well you should just be nice to Faith and support her for who she wants to be." Replied Lizzy.Faith smiled and said "Oh, That's very nice of you to stick up for me but I can manage." That day Lizzy walked Allie home and they both talked and talked about Allie and all her friends. "You do know your not a pig, Right?" Asked Lizzy.Faith tried to answer but failed. "Yes I know but I am a pig." Answered Faith.Faith was home at last.She was tired and stressed, She asked Lizzy if she wanted to stay over.They had a good night and loads of sweeties and in the morning they had breakfast and went for a walk in the park.They seen Allie and Paige the Pigeon.Paige fell out a tree laughing when she seen Faith. "Just be yourself don't say oink, Your not a pig, Your a unicorn." Whispered Lizzy. They skipped past, Faith didn't slump past, she skipped because she was not fat and lazy.She enjoyed being a Unicorn rather than a Pig and the next day.No one was laughing at her from that day on.
Chapter Two ( Destiny )
The next day Faith wanted to go out and play, since she didn't get laughed at there was nothing she could be worried about. So she went looking for Lizzy. "Lizzy! You will never believe what I discovered last night, Follow me" Shouted Faith running away. "Hey! Wait up" Shouted Lizzy chasing after Faith.They got there at last. "What is this place?" Asked Lizzy. "It's Mystical Cove, I looked it up on the Mystical Maps Of Mystical City." Replied Faith running around the cave and bumped into a wall.There was a loud noise. "That doesn't sound good." Said Lizzy scarcely. "Yea too right lets get out of here." Shouted Faith over the noise of falling rocks.They both ran then stopped as they heard a noise of wings flapping together.They tried to make a hole in the wall so they could see what it was. A bat swooped down past the whole "Can you make the wall fall? I need to get back to my island cave." Asked the bat. Faith and Lizzy looked at the bat gawping. "You can talk?" Asked Lizzy confused. "Of course I can, your a lizard that makes no sense thatYOU can talk." Replied the Bat."Hahaha, I guess you have a name as well!" Laughed Lizzy. "In fact yes I do." Said the Bat. "It's Destiny." Replied the Bat proudly. Faith and Lizzy looked at each other then burst out laughing. "Stop Laughing!" Sobbed Destiny. Faith stopped and thought back to when Allie was laughing at her. She started shouting at Lizzy to stop. Then her screaming and shouting caused the wall to to fall down. "Mumma, Dadda I'm coming home!" Shouted Destiny. Faith wandered into a forest sobbing, Lizzy
following after her...
Chapter three ( The Wonderful Wise Wolf Of Mystical Forest )
"What happened?" Asked Lizzy. "I feel bad of what happened when we were laughing at Destiny, I felt like Allie and I felt as if Destiny were me." Sobbed Faith. Lizzy felt bad now, Real bad. "Well I guess I am paige?" Asked Lizzy. Faith looked at Lizzy about to laugh out loud but instead she giggled and smiled at Lizzy. They both giggled and talked a little more about the forest how Lizzy heard about the Wise Wolf stays in this forest. "I heard that the Wise Wolf is 1,275 Years Old!" Shouted Lizzy. "Really? That's old! Even older than Destiny!" Shouted Faith shocked. They walked into a tree and fell to the ground laughing and rubbing their heads. They heard a rustling noise in a bush nearby. "What's that noise?" Asked Faith. "Haven't we heard enough noises!" Shouted Lizzy. As they stood up a wolf jumped out the bush growling. "Who goes there!" Asked the Wolf. "We are just having a walk through the woods." Sobbed Faith shaking. "You heard that I am 1,275 Years Old? Where?" Asked the Wolf. "I in the news." Replied Lizzy. The Wolf growled as angrily as he could. "Is everything ok Wolf?" Asked Faith. "I have a name you know." Said the Wolf. Faith wanted to know so she asked. "What's your name?" The wolf stared at her for a moment. "Coltan Wolf." Replied the Wolf. Lizzy and Faith were shocked. "You mean The Coltan Wolf?" Screamed Lizzy. "Yes I mean The Coltan Wolf, Yes the one who works for the Wise Wolf." Replied Coltan annoyed. Lizzy nearly fainted she was so shocked she had always wanted to be as strong as him. "Will you take us to the Wise Wolf? We need him?" Asked Faith. "Sure hop on." Shouted Coltan. Lizzy and Faith jumped on his back and he sprinted for the house that the Wise Wolf lives in. They got there at last and they jumped off Coltan's back and raced in. They spotted the Wise Wolf and spoke. "Hello your majesty I am Faith and I need your help." Said Faith. "What can I help you with?" Asked the Wise Wolf. Faith stared at Lizzy giving her a sign to take over. "Well, we need you to tell us where Island Cove is." Replied Lizzy.
Chapter four ( Island Cove )
"Island Cove isn't on the map." Replied The Wise Wolf. Faith stared at the Wise Wolf desperetely. "But i do know where it is." Said TWW. Faith was jumping around in joy then stopped. "Where is Island Cove then?" Asked Faith desperetly.
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