My Adventure So if you could be any animal what would you be? For me I'd be a turtle. Why because I'd be able to see all of the great sea's so here is my story and adventure of me as an animal.(I'll be making this up as I go). Ok so I just hatched with all of my brothers and sisters we didn't know there was something waiting for us when we got outside. So we were going as fast as possible just so we could get to the water. When out of no where Bob one of our brothers was snatched up. It was sad but we had to keep moving. Happily no one else was snatched up. So when we got to the water we were kind of scared of what happened so we stuck together for a little while (till we were 5) and then we went our different ways (there were 9 girls and 8 boys (not including Bob). So we went different way's and I got close the equator when I felt like I was being watched I turned around I saw a shape i swam towards it and it swan away so I stop and swam the other way again and it followed so this time it was gaining on me and it looked like me but when it got closer I noticed it was Bob. He swam to me and asked," where are the others" but I was to stunned. So he told me the story of what happened. I was amazed. So when we saw the big shape coming straight to us we got a little scared and swam a little faster. THE END BY:Logan D P.S. There well be a 2nd and 3rd part
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