Want To. Why Not? See him across the room. Watch him. He sees me. Look away. I want to tell him. So badly do I want to tell him. Tell him how much I like him. That I have for a year now. I was supposed to tell him. Last Friday. At homecoming. Oh how badly did I want to tell him myself. In person. Face to face. I chickened out. Could not get him alone. Could not find the right time. Always with somebody. Always with somebody. She's supposed to tell him today. That I like him. I asked her to yesterday. She going to tell him when we get to math this afternoon . I wonder how that will go. There he is. He walks in and puts his stuff down. She calls his name. And suddenly I'm shaky. I have so many butterflies I am so shaky. They talk. She comes and tell me what he said. And he tells a friend.