The Crystal Cave Part 1 Rex was in his room doing his homework when his mom came up to tell him that his friend was at the door. Rex was an 11 year old boy with longish blond hair and bright blue eye’s. A girl ran into the room as Rex was getting out. She had dark brown hair and dark green eyes. “Oh hey Dawn” said Rex “I was just coming down”. “Well it took you long enough” she said while grabbing his arm and dragging him downstairs and through the door. Dawn was a very energetic 12 year old so she did not have much patients for others. “Where are we going?” complained Rex. “Come on slowpoke i'll show you” answered Dawn.They ran into a cave and stopped. “Here it is” Said Dawn catching her breath. “A rusty old cave?”asked Rex. “Wait till you see what's inside” happily exclaimed Dawn. Dawn sprinted full speed into the cave but Rex wasn't so sure about it. He slowly walked into the cave tried to catch up to Dawn. The cave was very dark and moist. Rex had a hard time finding where to put his foot not to slip.Rex saw a light in the distance but he was confused because he was in a cave. As he kept on walking he saw a figure of a girl in the light room. He thought it was Dawn but as he got closer she just disappeared. “Huh weird…” he whispered to himself. He could feel the room was giving off some kind of energy he never felt before. As he walked into the room he noticed brightly colored crystals on the walls of the caves room. “So they were giving of the light” he thought. He came closer to one but right when he was about to touch it he heard a scatter from the back of the room. “Stay calm” he thought to himself. “Maybe it was just a rat…” But he could hear its foot steps. It was in the shadows… Part 2 Rex turned and turned but could not see anything. Then out of nowhere it jumped out “RRRRAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW” it roared at Rex. He grabbed it but slipped and fell down onto the crystals. He started to see white and get drowsy. It felt to him like the whole room was glowing. The last thing he remembered was the figure of a girl. He awoke after what felt like hours to him. Dawn was lying on the ground next to him unconscious. He got up and shook her awake. “W-what happened?” She asked. “Well…” he paused. “Im not sure...”. Both Dawn and Rex got up and headed out of the cave. To them everything was fine. The cave looked the same, they weren't hurt, and were happy to be leaving the nasty place but what they didn't know was that the moment they set foot outside the cave it everything won't be that good. Part 3 “So was it you that scared me?” asked Rex. “Yeah.. Sorry bout that, but you should have seen your face” she said laughing. “It was priceless”. “It was weird though”. “What?” asked Dawn. “The fact that we passed out” answered Rex. “Yeah….” They could see the light at the end of the cave but something wasn't right. The light was purple. As they got out of the cave Dawns jaw dropped. They were standing on a ledge above a huge jungle. The sky was purple and looked like there were 2 moons. “I think we have to go back” Rex said in a panic. They turned around and heard a weird crawling sound from the cave. The sound was getting louder as if something was coming closer. Right then and there as rex turned his head to one of the crystals outside the cave he was scared witless. In the crystals reflection he could see a giant scorpion heading towards them. It was at least the size of a big car and had a whip like tail that it was lashing around. But the scorpion was invisible to the naked eye. “What is it?” asked Dawn puzzled by why Rex was so shocked. Rex could hear the cracking of its tail. It leaped towards Dawn. Rex pushed her aside as the scorpion jumped. The ledge they were on started to crumble. The scorpion lashed at Dawn with its claws but it was too late the ledge gave away and they scorpion fell towards the jungle. Rex got up and went for Dawn but it was no help the ledge completely crumbled and they too fell to the jungle. Part 4 Rex tried to stand up but fell right back down to the ground. His right leg was badly injured. He attempted to drag himself to find Dawn but he just ended up tumbling down a hill that was covered in greenery. He sat up and saw 2 heads coming out of some bushes. “Looks like I attracted some unwanted attention” he thought. The creatures looked dog like but they were a blackish blue color. He got up and started limping away but now it looked like the dogs had the full intention of putting him in their stomachs. The dogs (if you can call them that) slowly started to close in on Rex from the sides. Rex caught his foot in a branch and tripped and fell face first to the ground. He tried getting up again but one of the dogs jumped on him and bite his right leg. He screamed as the dogs teeth sunk into his leg. He could feel his blood trickling from his leg. The dog started to pull Rex away but suddenly, as if out of nowhere Dawn jumped out. She was holding a big branch in her hand. She swung it and hit the dog that was biting Rex’s leg. The dog let the grip go and jumped at Dawn but she hit it with the branch as it jumped flinging it in a tree. Half of the branch broke off so she threw it at the other dog but it just jumped out of the way. Dawn was left defenceless… Part 5 Dawn started to panic looking around for another branch but all she could see were strange bushes. The dog did not hesitate and jumped at Dawn. At the last second she managed to jump out of the way and kick the dog in his snout. She wanted to run but could not leave Rex behind. Rex was still lying on the floor bleeding out grabbing his leg in pain. He did not have much time. But then something happened a miracle you could call it, a wolf jumped out from one of the bushes bit the neck of the dog. The dog wailed when its thick black blood oozed out. The black dog flailed a bit and then died. Dawn ran to Rex and looked around for some source of water. The wolf started to pull on Dawns clothes. “What is it?” she asked as if the wolf would understand. He tugged on her again and ran forwards. Dawn picked Rex up by his shoulders and dragged him after the wolf. When the wolf came inside she saw that he was standing on a rock above a pond. “Perfect” she thought. She dragged Rex to the pond and put some water on his leg, he flinched in pain. Then she looked around for something rope like. She eventually found a blue leaf that was quite long and surprisingly strong. She wrapped it around Rex’s leg. after a couple of minutes Rex was asleep. Dawn sat down next to the wolf and let out a breath. She could not believe everything that just happened. When she started to get a little relaxed the wolf started to panic. He was rapidly spinning and barking. Dawn was confused. But it did not take her long to realize what was going on. A monstrously huge shadow fell over them. There was something in the air but before Dawn could find the guts to look up the wolf pushed her into the water. Then jumped in himself. It came from the sky. A giant fire ball, it destroyed the forests greenery behind them. Even in the water they could feel the intense heat. Rex suddenly woke up in a shock and immediately started to cough because of the smoke. Dawn got out of the water, her clothes dripping. She helped Rex up and served as a support while he walked. They walked and walked the wolf close behind. Rex finally fell from the pain. “Are you ok?” asked Dawn. “Yeah...yeah f-fine” he answered. She looked towards the way of the flying shadow and said “There really is no such word as calm in this place, is there”. The shadow finally came into focus when it sat down on the mountains. Dawn could not believe her own eyes a dragon, a fully living, breathing (fire breathing) dragon….. The End!?
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