Part 1; The floor itself was so plain, so boring in fact that even a bull frog (an animal which never sleeps) could quite easily drift off just by looking at it. It was nothing more than a few brown boards that looked as though they had been caught up in two world wars, to be fair they probably had been. The walls were cream, no they were beige or were they white? My blurred vision and brutal hangover were certainly not helping me discover where I had woken up this dismal Sunday morning. Although I had no clue as to where on earth I was I decided to look on the bright side; at least I am not lying next to a complete stranger or even worse an ex boyfriend. Sit up Angie, you can do this. My head felt as though it weighed as much 3 lorries complete with obese drivers and a few spare tyres, but still I pulled it up, move over Mark Henry i'm the worlds strongest woman. Steadying myself I gained my balance although my head felt as though it was spinning round and round like a much faster and heavier version of a ferris wheel, I knew that it was still, I was still. Now think. What happened last night, after pondering for a few minutes I saw something shining in the corner of the room. Squinting my eyes to get a clearer image, I saw words and symbols, then I knew, it was a police badge. And with just one look at that item, the whole of last night came flooding back...
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