Coma I'm flying? I don't think so. Maybe dying? Maybe so. I'm tiring? Well I know so. But I can't see. Getting lonely Is anyone here? I'm starting to fear That I'm here flying (dying?) all alone And I'm tiring Of my lonesome And I suddenly Want to go home But where am I? But who am I? If I'm flying I'm going slow Cuz I wanna get Soon to where I bet Other people will Welcome me so I wanna stop I wanna drop I wanna fall to a known death I think there is A way to kiss The lips of the reaper from here yet I scream loud I reach out Toward the darkness that is endless all around I don't feel anything Nothing in front of me I don't think there's an up here or a down. What is this place? Be it hell or space I don't like it- no I hate it can't you see? So please someone come Before my time is done And save me from this solitude-ity.