The Distant Present Chapter One: 21/01/1999 This is the day i entered this world. Innosent blue eyes with silky black hair. My mums first child! My dads first child. In the last fourteen years i have experianced some fantastic yet troubbling moments and this is my story. Chapter two: Now i was a troubblesome child from the ages of nine to eleven i was angry and emotional and couldent see others point of veiw however some how the guys all liked me! In primary school you know relationships dont mean anything but somehow they allways did to me! Every guy i kissed, make out with, hugged and even touched i still remember them even now, every single one! And thats because if it wernt for the boys in my school to be my friends and more importantly people i could kiss to draw attention to myself i would have had no-one. There was this horrable cold hearted girl called Chloe Gray ,who by the way has turned out to be a scank now, she made my #life living hell, i cried allmost every day, she drove my friends away and took my spot in the school Reputation! Chapter three: 12/12/08 This is the day my sister was born, Alyce Hannah Turnbull, mum wrote in black ink on the birth certificate! I was 9 then allmost 10 and ahe was the best birthday present i could have ever asked for!
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