Whispers Of The Night Crickets chirp Bed sheets crumple Pillows fluff Limbs tangle Hair flies Closed eyes Soft snores Light breathing Dim light Clock turns Wind breezes Beating hearts Quiet silence Dreamless flight We are surrounded By whispers of the night
المزيد ..Take Your Pick What do you do, when you have two amazing people that you need to pick between? Whether it has to do with love or liking, friendship or anything else; what do you do? How do you know you've made the right choice? Do you feel it? Right now I feel it. That I made the right choice. But that doesn't stop the guilt. The guilty feeling knowing that I made someone unhappy and let them down. I'm so overjoyed by the person I picked, but I had to let the other go. I had been hoping to keep a friendship, but evidently it's too much for them to have us even be friends. I guess I'm sad, since I lost a friend. But I think I made the right pick. The right choice. But what if I hadn't?
Words Words. Such significant parts of our lives. How can so few words fuck everything up? Just a few hours earlier you can be talking to this person you really like for over two hours, and then later accidentally say something stupid over text that they misinterpret and everything goes down the drain. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Even though you work it out afterwards, nothing is quite the same... Fuck. Shit. Damn it. It hurts. Its worrisome. It's stressful. All you can do is say fuck. And hope that it'll be alright.
المزيد ..