Bearing Through It
From my many #life experiences, I've learnt the real and simple meaning of one word:
To commit to something is to follow it to its often bitter end; to follow the orders set or to drive to achieve your own goals.
When it gets tough, I remember that I committed to that cause. I put my own dignity, my personal word on the line and promised that I would complete the task at hand, whatever the circumstances.
During my one and a half years at Army Cadets, I went to a 10 day camp at a real- #life military base. I trained there and lived there, and I only got through it all by reminding myself that I committed to it. Many times the thought of leaving crossed my mind, but through this I learnt how important it is to stuck it out in tough situations. Even through 3 days out on exercise living off ration packs and performing sentry duties at 12:45am in the cold, I learnt more than I did during a month at school.
Either if you're getting up at 60am and being shouted at by a sergeant or trying to complete that maths homework that you said you'd do, just remember that you committed to that. In every single situation, if you bear through it you can guarantee that you'll come out a better person.
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